Aldhelm Riddle 80: Calix vitreus
Date: Thu 14 Apr 2022De rimis lapidum profluxi flumine lento,
Dum frangant flammae saxorum viscera dura
Et laxis ardor fornacis regnat habenis;
Nunc mihi forma capax glacieque simillima lucet.
Nempe volunt plures collum constringere dextra
Et pulchre digitis lubricum comprendere corpus;
Sed mentes muto, dum labris oscula trado
Dulcia compressis impendens basia buccis,
Atque pedum gressus titubantes sterno ruina.
From cracks in rocks I flowed in a slow stream,
While flames shatter the hard insides of rocks
And the heat of the furnace rules, with the reins being slack;
Now my shape, retentive and very like ice, shines.
Indeed, many wish to hold fast my neck with their right hand
And grasp my beautifully smooth body their fingers;
But I change minds when I give their lips kisses,
Bestowing sweet kisses on their pressed-together mouths,
And with ruin I vanquish the staggering steps of their feet.
This edition is based on Rudolf Ehwald, ed. Aldhelmi Opera Omnia. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi, 15. Berlin: Weidmann, 1919, pages 59-150. Available online here.
Tags: riddles latin Aldhelm