
Scheduled maintenance


Please note that The Riddle Ages will be down from 14th-16th April 2025 for scheduled maintenance.

Riddlequest at Sutton Hoo


Organised by: Megan Cavell, Jennifer Neville, Sacha Coward and Josh Ward

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with National Trust: Sutton Hoo and escape game designer Sacha Coward. The result is Riddlequest, Sutton Hoo's exciting new escape game experience. Your quest is to return an object, formerly belonging to King Rædelwulf, to its rightful place. There are challenges to complete along the way, including solving real early medieval riddles to unlock the secrets of the past. You have 1 hour! Booking details for autumn 2022 can be found here on the National Trust website. (recommended for ages 10+)


Location: Sutton Hoo, Suffolk

Best Teaching Aid Award


The Riddle Ages is very grateful to be the recipient of the International Society for the Study of Early Medieval England's award for Best Teaching Aid 2021. Thank you, ISSEME!


The Riddle Ages Youtube channel


The Riddle Ages has a Youtube channel! You can watch recordings of the Early Medieval Identities research seminar on this playlist. Enjoy!

Online Research Seminar


You can now watch recordings of the Early Medieval Identities online research seminar on Youtube.


Location: Birmingham

Early Medieval Identities online research seminar


We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting an online research seminar, with a guest speaker each month from March-June:

  • 24th March, 3pm: Susan Oosthuizen, “Early Medieval Collective Identity in the Context of the Longue Duree"
  • 21st April, 3pm: Marit Ronen, “Intersections of Social Identity and Disability in Early Medieval England"
  • 26th May, 3pm: Miller Oberman, “The Other in Self: Embodied Medieval trans/lation in Contemporary Practice"
  • 30 June, 3pm: Mary Rambaran-Olm, “Riddles in the Dark: Hadrian's Lost Contributions to Early England"
Free tickets are available via Eventbrite.

Website-wide Edits


A quick announcement that we are in the process of editing all content from the old website to replace the term "Anglo-Saxon" with "early medieval." We are doing this partly because of important discussions within the field of early medieval studies that are informed by scholars working on race and racism (you can read more about that here), and partly because this new website will include content with a wider scope, including riddle traditions that circulated in different parts of Europe.

New Website


Welcome to the new and improved Riddle Ages website! The content you'll find on this website was initially published on our Wordpress blog. We are currently working through some edits of the back-catalogue of riddles, so bear with us as we tinker. Site-wide edits (such as editing terminology) will be announced in this Announcement section, and significant post-specific edits will be noted at the bottom of individual posts. Please do get in touch if you notice any bugs. And stay tuned for new material very soon!